Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A day late and a dollar short---

Okay guys...sorry again for my late reviews. Maybe if this gig came along with a paycheck I wouldn't be so negligent. Anyway, I was a sickly girl yesterday and pretty much slept all day. Don't worry folks it wasn't the swine flu---although my mother was convinced it was. We'll save that story for another day---on to the review.

We'll start with that gal that was missing in action--Melissa. I only want to say one thing about her...those Capri jeans she was wearing in rehearsals---hmmm---could they get any lower? I feared we'd see some curlies any minute. (pardon the crudeness...I'm still not all better and my mind is a tad fuzzy.) I couldn't believe Tony Dovoloni was almost crying during the interview with Samantha---normally I would say Samantha is so bad she made Tony cry--but this time I fear he wants the title so bad that he's going for the pity vote. Poor Tony---perhaps it's time he wins.

Little Kim--Last week she jumped up and down when Bruno called her ranchy (raunchy) this week she squeals with delight when he yells, "The bitch is back!!!" What is wrong with this deformed girl? I guess in prison that's what you long to hear...that you're a bitch?? No wonder my innocent ears can't comprehend it. She's a great dancer but it just doesn't seem right that Little Kim should be our next champ...sorry...but no.

Gilles---Has there been one episode where Gilles hasn't had his shirt off? Oh come on...I'm so over it. Do I really need to see the Dr. give you a cortisone shot in your shoulder with your shirt off, of course? No...what I do need to see is you dropping Cheryl on her head more often. That was pure entertainment. I'm sure Gilles was just distracted by your boobs coming out of your track suit!

Shawn--there is no way that girl is 17. She looks 40! Goodness. Judges--for the last time it is not appropriate for you to be saying how sexy Shawn is becoming and that she's now a little vixen when her mommy and daddy are in the audience. The girl is not even old enough to vote folks...let's not rob her of all her innocence okay? In my opinion, Shawn doesn't look natural out there. All her moves are way to precise and not fluid. She looks like she's just following a gymnastics floor routine. She goes from one move to the next and she looks way to mechanical. I know she's America's sweetheart but I must report the truth. I think Mark way out dances her, too.

Ty--That fool's got a six pack? Wow...who knew? I think he is so hysterical. I would love it if he won. He's so southern and his sense of humor is so dry and it just makes me laugh. I thought he did very well in both styles of dance. I definitely think he deserves to stay longer than Shawn and Chuck (yes I said it...and as well all know by now...he did make it longer than Chuck!) I loved the spray tan business. I also love the friendship between him and Chelsie. He's got my vote!

Chuck--Well, we all know his fate by now...but it's okay. He and Julianne are still a couple...for now...and well, he did improve in the last few weeks. I don't know if I'm too bummed he left. My prediction streak is officially over and that's okay. I'm too busy now--- writing reviews! This is the first season I haven't voted---perhaps that has something to do with my pick not winning. Does Len-da Isaba really have that much power???

The group dances---I liked them both. I knew the stripping down at the end of Team Mambo's dance wouldn't go to well with the judges---when will these people ever learn? I didn't think Team Tango deserved a 10 when Little Kim--big head--big butt had such an obvious mess up! Stupid, unfair, already have their favorites picked Judges!

Well, I guess that about covers it. Oh---one last thing about Samantha---I just love it when she asks the cast questions and then immediately cuts them off. What a tool. Notice how when she starts to speak the audience starts to get very loud and crazy---I think they are trying to tune her out! Either that---or the execs are turning off her prop mic. ha ha ha

Keep Dancing