First off...HOLY HAIR Brooke. Yikes...not a good look for you honey!
Okay now that I got that major thing out of the way---let's begin.
A few general thoughts...
I was thrilled to see the show was only 1 hour.
I was not so thrilled to hear that the contestants dance 2 more dances each tomorrow. THE FREESTYLE is always the last dance---not happy about that change.
I also need to comment that of all the Freestyle dances in the 10 seasons---this year was the WEAKEST! I was not impressed by any of them. (more on that later)
First up--
My baby Maks and the luckiest woman on television---Erin-
I'm sure Maks was DYING when Bruno--a mere music video choreographer was giving him pointers on what to improve. He has zero skills in Ball Room Dancing! If Maks needs someone to teach him to flutter around stage like a fairy---he'll call you--OTHERWISE...shut it! As for their dance---I'm shocked---SHOCKED she got 2 10's. I did not think that particular dance deserved a 10--but hey---I'll take it.
Evanna-It was good---but I wasn't too terribly impressed. Maybe, I was only interested in seeing the Free styles--cause the do over dances were just whatever! I'm shocked that Erin got 2 10's and Evan got 1.---Crazy judges
Nicole and Derek-
FOR THE RECORD---that Rumba was amazing. It makes me mad to see how good they are. And that lift at the end...WOW. It was phenomenal. Erin would never be able to pull that move off. EVER! I was busting up when Derek claimed the lift happened at the end of the dance (after the music stopped) ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Although, that was one heck of a move---she was off the ground for like a good solid 10 minutes while the song played. Tsk tsk tsk...I'm glad Carrie Ann busted him on that move because I thought for sure she'd over look it. Hey..we need to be consistent with everyone, right?
Free Style time-
Erin and Maks-
Hmmmm---lyrical?...that is a brave choice indeed---I'm not sure it's entirely fair that someone else choreographed their dance. Uh hello???? That's the pro's job. But aside from that---holy moly---heart racing. I won't say much (since this blog will remain G-rated) other than...I thoroughly enjoyed that little number! Yes, indeed. Oh and Maks---if your nose is broken, That fool from the Suns, Nash, can fix it for you. Did anyone else see his nose break and him break it back into place like 6 times during the game on Sunday??? eeks.
ooo boy...not on the same page...cracking under pressure. Not a good sign. I had a flashback to Mya and Dmitry last season. I was happy to see that she also resorted to "cheating" and brought in another choreographer to help. Still though...I'm sure Derek won't need the assistance. The judges sure didn't like that! I felt so bad for them.
Derek and Nicole-
Looks like your neck is all better you LIAR! I expected a lot more for their freestyle. I know it covered a lot of ground but was all over the place. And then the big mess up at the end...such a shame.
So folks...for the finals---I wasn't too impressed, in fact, DISAPPOINTED would be a better word. They should have cut out the other 2 dances for tonight and really focused on making the Free Styles the best in history!
Also, I'm super super excited for the finale tonight because all the characters will be back and I'm sure I'll have enough material to really end this seasons' reviews on a high note. Stay tuned for tomorrow's email. I will be blogging on tonight's episode for sure. I can already predict, I'll fall asleep during Buzz, shout angrily during Kate's, and that I'll bust up laughing during Jake's---(he'll fall, of course)
As for who wins it...
I pray it's Evan over Nicole.
As much as I love Maks...I really think it's a long shot.
Until next time...
Keep Dancing...
Len-da Isa-ba