Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Season 9 Premiere--night 2- The ladies

Ladies and Gentlemen a travesty has occurred. The first time in 9 seasons, my tivo malfunctioned and didn't record. YES, it's true. I couldn't believe it! I think I'm being punished for my droolfest over Maks the other day. I got home late last night and I decided to start watching the show at 9:30pm. When I noticed it had not recorded, I was extremely bummed, but I realized I had tuned in precisely at the moment of the relays. a true champ, I got over it and got to work. (I'm sure I'll catch what I missed tonight...on the 4 hour recap show!!!)

Let's just say that the last 30 minutes was all I needed to see.

The first dance---The foxtrot.
I think that Thebi Mathar and Makth are thoing very wellth. Ith isth a thrue pleathure to wath them performth. (that lisp however hath got to go!)

I really do think she's got talent and if she can get some fans and lose that lisp...they might be okay. My favorite part was when Thebi Mathar said, "I loved being elegant and laying on Maks" and for the first time in DWTS history Samantha made a funny!!! She said, "I think there are many women out there who would love to lay on...nevermind...I'll leave that one alone" I'm impressed...truly impressed.

I can't stand that model Joanna. I gather she did well last night cause the judges just kept going on and on about her...well...let me tell you all something. If you didn't watch the show SuperStars (FYI--Maks won!) you didn't get the chance to see what a poor sport she is. She is very competitive and when something doesn't go her way she flips on the "witch" switch. Just wait until she has a bad night and the judges get a little harder on'll see a side of her that you might be surprised about. AND of course she'd be paired with Derrick of all people. I'm thrilled because WHEN-- not IF--- but WHEN they do get eliminated...2 people that I don't like will be gone. I wait patiently for that day!

Kathy Ireland should just go home now. She's gorgeous but can't move...and she can't seem to fit in the camera shot---so adios sista!

The swimmer...ahhh...nothing to get excited about.

The second dance--The Cha Cha
Oh dear...Macy Gray. My goodness. There are just no words. NONE. Okay, there might be some. It looks like Macy got an anvil dropped on her head and she's still woozy from the crash!! I mean she's ready to hit the floor at any moment. You know like she just got off those horrible spin you round and round carnival rides and is trying to regain her balance. She's higher than a kite! I really need her to stay around a lot more cause I'm busting up watching her! BUSTING UP!

Sabrina the teenage witch-- did pretty good. I'll have to wait and a see a little more with her.

Mya--Shmya...I don't see why everyone was soooo excited about her.

The most surprising for me was of course Kelly Osborne. She did great and she truly looks like she's been dreaming of being a contestant on this show. She's loving this! and guess what...I love it, too. I'm really rooting for her to stick around a while. She also was very gracious backstage and eloquent in her answer to Samantha (who I still think will reveal she's pregnant this season!).

Finally, the last thing I want to bring up is something that I really should have discussed yesterday. What's the deal with Marie (Kill me now) Osmond and Jermaine Jackson sitting together?? And more importantly why do they insist on showing Marie before and after every commercial break. Geez Louise...

Well folks...I think the double elimination will include Tom and Kathy.