Let's begin by mentioning some of the many changes we saw last night.The most obvious was the new co-host Brooke Burke. I have to admit I had major doubts about her ability. I thought for sure she'd drive me up a wall and I am happy to report, I was happily surprised! She was excellent. Short, sweet, to the point and very natural up there. The chemistry between her and Tom was just right and you can tell she wasn't trying to hard. She asked good questions that actually made sense and then...wait it for folks...she actually allowed the stars and dancers to respond!!! (Can you imagine such a concept???) In fact, not only did she wait for responses from the group but when she did accidentally cut some one off, she apologized and said, "Please continue." Again...based on that alone, she's got my support. Good choice on Brooke.
Another change--the intro where they announce the dancers was very impressive. The previous intro looked so cheesy. There was this flashing ray of light and the contestants seemed to be photo shopped in---this time, it looked much more professional.
You might also have noticed the set looked a little different with the green room being on the main dance floor rather back stage. Not sure I see why that was necessary but okay...whatever.
The scoring was way high tech listing the judges names and then their very predictable scores.
But as always...with changes comes some things that remain very much the same--
Pam looks like a drunken mess, Kate has that same attitude and moodiness I remember so well from her show, Jake's still a crying dork, Edyta still wears the most insane costumes, and I still can't understand Bruno! These constants in life are why we all tune in to by all means keep some things the same---too much change would rock my world.
Now on to the actual dancing---
1. Ochocinco and Cheryl---Really? Are you freaking kidding me? You made up your last name based on your jersey number? Good grief! This isn't a recording studio and you're not a rapper! I say that because only rappers give themselves the crazy clever names I love so much---you know the classics like---"Flo-Rida" pronounced (Flow Ride-uh) because he lives in Florida---or my all time favorite...Ludacris...whose name is Chris. These men can pull off that craziness because they live in world of RAP---you Mr. 85 do cut that crap out. However, he was a decent dancer--so I'll move on. And I must mention that I was happy to see Cheryl sporting something other than her black and red jump suit. In fact, she looked quite good last night.
2. Shannen and Mark---Holy moly was she wearing Buzz's dentures??? Those teeth looked horrible last night. Come on Brenda Walsh...get some chompers that fit your mouth! I did think it was adorable that her dad asked her to do the show (I choose to believe that story) and he was so cute in the audience watching his girl and her teeth. She looked really nervous but I think she'll get better as the weeks pass.
3. My hottness Mr. Maks and Erin--Okay admit many of you thought Erin was going to say, " My biggest fear is....having another stalker!" I sure did. But no, apparently her greatest fear is getting up and dancing (how original!) Maks had some good lines last when he said, "The only level I know to work at is the....MAX!" So freaking clever! I also loved, "My only pleasure in life is to bitch at people and you're taking that away!"---loved it! I know you all say I'm biased but he truly is the best male dancer on that show. He is sooo fun to watch and not just for the obvious reasons--like watching his behind! I'll stop there cause last night my hubby was not pleased with my giddiness when he came on screen---nope nope...not one bit. I am not the biggest fan of Erin but I do love how competitive she is! She is just what Maks needs---however when you're on a season with some big media names like this year...I fear she won't have the fan base to keep her on as long as he---ooops I mean she deserves. She's a bit touchy with my man...but I'll let it slide since...well...she's in it to win it. But watch it missy...WATCH IT! Another thing I'd like to mention is how Maks rarely says anything in the green room (glass room in the back...whatever you want to call it) and some how ...he still is the essence of Mr. Cool.
4. Jake and Chelsie---Okay seriously, how many times are they gonna use the whole "rose cliche"---he gave her a rose when he met her, he gave her a rose during the dance, and then the song they chose for him to dance to is---Kissed by a ROSE by Seal?!?!? Oh give it a rest already. I guess anything is better than..."On the Wings of Love"---I admit...I was expecting that one! Would you all agree that Jake defines the word --NERD! He is so cheesy. For a man that good looking--it just doesn't work. He needs to just sit there and smile and never say one word. When he busted out with, "I come in here and feel dumb every day" (sniff sniff--whimper whimper) I practically puked. Be a man for crying out loud!! The dance was pretty good, but when Bruno said, "You look like you are riding a horse! Keep your legs together!" I couldn't help but think---he's been whoring around on the Bachelor...his days of keeping his legs together are OVER buddy..OVER! Oh and Carrie Ann--please don't refer to Jake as being romantic...ABC is romantic, he was just their puppet. Do you honestly think that Jake came up with all those romantic ideas for the show???'s called writers and producers! Ridiculous! Let's move on to the interview with Brooke where she asks him, "Really Jake, can you honestly say you were nervous? I mean you proposed to Vienna in front of America--that's as nervous as one can get" and his retarded response is, "Proposing to Vienna was the honor of my life!" Then they show Vienna with her cheesy smile and lo and behold she's sitting next to Gia who made out with him a week before the proposal of honor took place.---I call B.S.! BIGTIME!
5. Niecy and Louie--She looks happy to be there. That's a good sign. It's also good that she loves how she looks and is content---but seriously....I don't need to see you in a leotard. EVER. My advice to her is start dancing and stop lip-syncing...just a thought. You might do better.
6. Evan and Anna--He's a tad too monotone for me. He just seems boring. I fear this may be our first gold medalist to lose. I know he's riding the high of his Olympic win but I'm not sure it's gonna work. In fact, I have never heard of him until these Olympics---so I'm sure others are in the same boat. I noticed all the leg lifting (which is usually the girls deal) was done by him. A little "queer" and odd---no? As for Bruno wanting more chemistry from the 2 of them...I don't think that's possible Bruno...he of all people should know that!
7. Buzz and Ashly--Okay I'm just gonna come right out and say it...Astronauts are WEIRD! I mean got to be a little screwy to get in a shuttle and orbit in space. Who freaking does that? The man's 80 years old and yes, a freaking hero, but seriously--you need to dance not walk during the performance. I say this every year...and every year we get the token senior! Can I just say that our little Ashly Costa is looking mighty good this year...she's definitely no longer Ashly "Of the Large" (the literal meaning of her maiden name-DELAGROSA. ---Thank you Mr. Greg) She's sweet and talented but she won't be on for long. Really, who's surprised?
8. Nicole and Derick--She's a fair. I know she's never danced like this before but half the battle of this show is gaining the confidence to get up there and let loose. She's got that down because of her prior dancing--so the rest will come very easy to her. Derick needs to seriously shave that disgusting flesh colored peach fuzz off. It makes me sick! I'm with Len on this one...she wasn't that great...and definitely not worthy of 2 nines!
9. Aiden (hello gorgeous) and Edyta--Has Edyta ever danced with a dog on this show? Seriously, how the heck does she manage to get all the hotties? Who cares if this guy can even dance...he can stay on the show as long as he wants in my opinion. (Ease up ladies and gents...I'm still true to my man, but I needed to mention the obvious--he's some nice eye candy) I can't believe the judges gave him a 15??? Come on...he was better than that. And I don't blame Edyta for pleading with the fans to vote...she's not stupid. Wouldn't you want to stay on a little while longer if you were paired with Aiden?
10. Kate (Kill me now) Gosselin and Tony--So are you annoyed yet? Give it time. It will come. I love love how she played the "This is for all you moms out there" card. Oh give it a rest, you don't identify with the moms out there. How many moms do you know that get paid to stay home, get to go on all sorts of neat vacations and adventures, and get a free tummy tuck and makeover? That little plea to identify with me backfired! And Tony's right...can you be a little more excited to actually be on the show? You asked to do do it! After the shortest routine I saw all night---and I listened to the judges...I couldn't help but's does the berating feel right now? Do you like to be torn to shreds in front of America and criticized for everything you do??? Well honey, welcome to your ex-hubby's world? It's not so cool when you're on the receiving it? I'm not saying the guy was right in cheating...but he definitely took a daily verbal beating from that woman!
Pam and new guy (didn't even catch his name)--I have no words...NONE...well okay...maybe some. What the heck was going on with her? Was she drunk? High? She was a mess. A total mess. I mean...without getting too graphic...I felt dirty just watching her. She looks like such trash. I think she was confused and thinking her partner was the strip pole. Goodness! Then just as the night was coming to a close at 1 hour and 55 minutes---her partner enjoyed a major boob grab---not graze...but a full on hold. PIG---I'm not sure she even noticed--that's even more disgusting! And the most disgusting was the scores she received! I guess it proves once again boobs will get you far in Hollywood.
Well folks...that about wraps it up. I'm actually quite thrilled to not have a 3 day season premiere. it leaves us wanting more. Overall, I'm happy with the premiere , I'm happy with the cast and most of all I'm happy with the changes.
Here's to a very exciting season 10!---
Keep Dancing,
Len-da Isa-ba